How can you tell if someone is lying? Do you have an internal truth-o-meter that sends you alarm bells when something seems off?
I am often fascinated by how many people take what they hear at face value without digging a bit deeper to validate the information.
Your values and who you are as a person speak volumes about your trustworthiness and credibility.
Are you a motivator or a manipulator? What about the people around you?
Which of the following statements do you believe?
- Thoughts have an energy of their own.
- A positive attitude leads to opportunities.
- Behavior never lies.
- You control your values.
- Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness.
Which one of the statements above resonated most with you and why? Each statement is a link to critical thinking.
Leaders are responsible for setting a course, seeing the big picture, identifying the resources, and seeing the unseen. Leaders provide the framework for success. Managers are the planners, the individuals responsible for ensuring actions are executed to achieve the set course.
Individuals and their success are at the heart of responsibility for both leaders and managers. They are the glue that is needed to achieve success. Leaders and managers are challenged to look beyond the horizon while seeing the looming obstacles/opportunities. This requires finesse. Given the speed with which change occurs today, critical thinking is essential for leaders and managers.
Critical thinking helps you sort through the chaos and distractions so you can focus on what to believe and do going forward.