Forward motion in business depends on our ability to think with clear-headed, laser focus. Thinking is the process of asking and answering questions in your head. Dr. Daryl Cross suggests that 95% of our thinking is routine or the same and that 5% of your thinking is new. Therefore, we need to find new ways of thinking if we want to reach our life potential.
Changing anything in life permanently takes extraordinary effort. Since the beginning of 2022, list the number of ideas you’ve had to improve yourself. How many of those ideas turned into a permanent reality?
For example, I vowed to shed the 10 pounds of holiday fun earlier this year. Has it happened? Of course not, the 95% routine/same thinking has kept me stuck. More business focused, what if you want to change your mindset to improve your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset? You may need to shift out of your comfort zone and into the courage zone.
When creating change, we think about our life and ask questions. How many thoughts do you have in a day? How many questions do you ask yourself in a day? Research indicates we ask ourselves as many as 60,000 questions every day. What if some of those questions were NEW QUESTIONS because of books you read, podcasts you heard, webinars you attended, films you watched, and so forth?
Learn to look at things in new ways. Break out of your old habits and stimulate your thinking by:
- Putting yourself into new routines
- Putting yourself into new situations
- Reading a different kind of book
- Considering a new course
- Picking up a new magazine
When you do any of the above, your brain will automatically start to think about new things, and as a result you will have a greater likelihood of looking at the potential for something more in your life that you had not discovered previously. Expose yourself to new areas so you can think about things in a different way. The likelihood of finding your true potential will be greater. The impact on leadership, management, and productivity for you and your people will be off the charts.
When you are motivated to change, you can change anything. There are only a few days left in the 2nd quarter, what needs to change in your 3rd quarter plan so you reach your desired outcome for 2022?