Being a senior-level executive usually means you have badges for bravery and courage to show for your valiant efforts. For sure, you have had several all-hands-on-deck events that required an extraordinary push by you and your team. And generally, these events were caused by someone else. Perhaps they needed to manage their priorities better, or a new business segment was acquired, or a new product had to be saved.
How often have you faced an “it’s your job to figure it out – the information is all around you” moment? The scale is unimportant; it’s about your mindset. Is it someone else’s job to figure it out? Comments like “that’s above my pay grade” represent sour grapes. What if the future of the company depended on your work?
Hint: It Does!
How do you sharpen your mindset? I am referring to your mental health, which impacts your mood. When I was in college, my psychology class fascinated me. I was an early advocate of meditation. It helped me get through college, which was a tough road. I began college at 27, with typical young adult debt and a good job, though I desired more of everything. So, I dove into the deep end by attending school at night and working full time at a large company. I went 16 straight quarters while keeping that corporate job. Along the way, I gained valuable life skills including tenacity, persistence, and positivity.
What got me through, though, was my positive mindset. There have been several moments in my life where I had to figure it out to avoid dire consequences. The same is true for you. You have three choices.
- Do nothing
- Wait for someone else to step up
- Do something yourself
Your decision starts with your world view. Do you take responsibility or blame others? I wanted something more, which inspired me to do what initially looked impossible. I cannot stress enough the value of developing your mental muscles, especially today. Like going to the gym, the time is now to build your mental muscles daily so you can thrive in challenging times.
How much better do you think you can respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset? The best measure of which mood you are in is what you are feeling. Are you feeling negative emotions, stress, anxiety, worry, guilt, anger, and so on? Do you often unconsciously act out poorly? I have, and I still do at times. Your self-sabotaging behavior is there naturally – you learned it is how to survive. But why not shift your behavior to the positive side that will result in peak performance, peace of mind, wellness, and healthy relationships.
I want to help you build your core mental muscles to intercept self-sabotaging behavior, shift to your wiser self, and have self-command in your behavior. Use this link to schedule a discovery call. Every problem can be converted into a gift and opportunity, you just have to know how to do so.